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Hi Friends! 

It's me, Aura Hart. Welcome to my Crystalarium! 

You probably want to find out how to get inside, huh? Can't blame you, it's super cool! But first you have to read my rules. Then I'll tell you the secret password ;) 



Boring Rules 

1. Enter at your own risk! Be extra careful please. The Crystalarium is super fun but there are some sharp edges and fragile things and perhaps a portal you have to climb through, so just be careful, OK?


2. Be gentle! I worked super hard on the Crystalarium and I don't want you breaking anything! I'm sure you won't, but just be super careful. Don't touch any cables or pull things apart. Thanks! 


3. Leave things the way you found them. Ugh, my Mom says this all the time. And now here I go. But I guess it's important! Put everything back and DON'T take anything out of the Crystalarium please. I just want to make sure everyone else can enjoy the Crystalarium too! 


Thanks so much for following my boring rules! OK, now onto the fun stuff.


Alright, want to know the password? Well it's......

HA, did you think it would be THAT easy? We wrote the password on Grandpa Ray's Story Crystal. It's in the Hatch! If you complete the special quest I made with my brother Silas and sister Flora, you'll find it! HINT: Find the yellow word puzzle in the Yellow Cabin to get started ;) 


Once you open the door to the Crystalarium, just flip the switch right inside the door, and... have fun! 

I big-time recommend you try the Crystalarium at night. It's super cool. 


Speaking of Story Crystals, I thought of them myself! Granda Ray, Silas, Flora, and I are the only ones in the world who have Story Crystals! They aren't necessary for your request, but if you play them in the Crystalarium, you'll learn a little more about us. Try it out! 


If you ever get stuck, just text our neighbor Blake and maybe he can help you: (949) 412-1468


I've been doing a lot of research on the effects  of the Power Crystals. You can try them out for yourself inside! Once you get in my room, you'll see the magical crystal station light up pedestal. Try putting my different crystals on it and seeing what happens! 


Thanks friend. Hope you enjoy my Crystalarium :) 



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